On the Calendar
Looking for upcoming trainings? In addition to our large collection of on-demand webinars and self-paced courses, please join us for these synchronous learning opportunities:
Region IV PHTC Awarded Funding to Continue Building the Capacity of the Public Health Workforce in the Southeastern U.S.
The Region IV Public Health Training Center (PHTC) has received a $4.4 million award from the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA), a U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) agency. These funds will be used over the next four years to improve the ability of the public health workforce to meet national, state, and local needs under the direction of Principal Investigator Melissa (Moose) Alperin, EdD, MPH, MCHES.
New Podcast: Adaptive Leadership for Public Health
The Region IV Public Health Training Center has launched a podcast series! Adaptive Leadership for Public Health is a six-part series created to help tier 3 (senior management/executive level) public health professionals address complex challenges by growing and thriving as adaptive leaders. We know your time is limited, so these short episodes are designed for you to listen on your commute, over a lunch break, or while taking a walk.
R-IV PHTC Trainings Earn Quality Seal
Six self-paced learning modules produced by the Region IV Public Health Training Center have been accepted as part of the Public Health Learning Navigator. These courses were nominated for inclusion and then assessed by a panel of three peer reviewers using the National Network of Public Health Institutes’ Quality Standards for Training Design and Delivery.
Featured Trainings
The Region IV PHTC offers free competency-based trainings for public health professionals throughout the region and nation.
From Vision to Action: Creating Strength-Based Goals to Enhance Personal and Professional Growth
This webinar will help participants develop meaningful and achievable personal and professional goals through leveraging their unique strengths and abilities. Participants will explore practical strategies such as identifying personal competencies, understanding goal characteristics (approach vs. avoidance, performance vs. mastery), as well as using action planning techniques through interactive learning. By the end of the session, participants will be equipped to apply these actionable tools and strategies to create sustainable goals that inspire growth and align with their values.
Workforce Wellness Recharge-Holiday Edition: Adaptive Strategies for Working with the “Holiday Blues”
Join us for this engaging webinar designed to help public health professionals manage the unique challenges of the holiday season. “Workforce Wellness Recharge” provides practical strategies to recognize and address the “holiday blues” often experienced during this time. Learn tips for stress management, maintaining emotional resilience, and supporting colleagues who may be struggling. This session offers actionable insights to keep you energized, balanced, and well-equipped to navigate the season with positivity and holistic wellness.
A Practical Approach to Building Neurodivergent-Inclusive Workplaces
This workshop provides essential knowledge and practical strategies to foster neurodivergent-affirming practices within organizations. Attendees will gain actionable insights to better support neurodivergent colleagues, employees, and clients. Through interactive learning and tools, participants will deepen their understanding of what it means to create a truly affirming workplace, develop inclusive practices for supporting different neurotypes, and build effective communication across neurodiverse teams.
Foundations of Community Engagement and Outreach for Improving Health Outcomes Series
Foundations of Community Engagement and Outreach for Improving Health Outcomes is a 3-part webinar series designed to build capacity in effective community engagement and outreach, focusing on overcoming barriers, fostering trust, and developing sustainable practices to improve health outcomes. Each session addresses key challenges and solutions to equip health departments with knowledge, skills, and resources to improve their community outreach efforts. Learners may choose to register for all webinars in the series or for individual sessions.
Navigating the Public Health Data Landscape with Data Governance, Literacy, and Equity
In today’s rapidly evolving public health environment, building a strong foundation in data governance, literacy, and equity is essential for creating a data-driven and equitable public health system. This webinar explores how these foundational components can empower public health organizations to better serve communities and address health disparities. These efforts are essential for ensuring that public health workers are well-equipped to collect, manage, and utilize data responsibly and effectively. By fostering internal understanding and collaboration, public health organizations can lay the groundwork for supporting communities with the data-driven insights needed to improve health outcomes.
Future-Proof Public Health: Learning Agility for Leaders in a Changing World
In today’s unpredictable public health environment, agility is a critical trait for leaders to thrive. Learning agility means adapting swiftly in ambiguous situations, applying past lessons to new challenges, and embracing curiosity. Agile leaders don’t rely on conventional solutions but continuously seek improvement and innovation. While agility is partly an inherent trait, it can be developed over time. Though more difficult to cultivate than skills like communication, leaders can enhance their agility through continuous learning and open-mindedness. In this rapidly changing landscape, learning agility is the cornerstone of future-proof leadership in public health.
Civic Health, Voting, and Public Health: What’s at Stake in 2024
Explore the critical connections between civic engagement, voting, and public health in this interactive webinar. We will dive into how civic health shapes policy outcomes, the role of voting in advancing health equity, and the implications of the 2024 election on public health initiatives. Participants will gain practical tools and strategies to strengthen civic engagement and promote equitable health outcomes in their communities or organizations.
Leadership Journey Podcast Series
In the Leadership Journey Series, we focus on the journey of leadership and how to recognize your strengths to better understand your purpose as a leader.
Climate Change Impacts on Vector Borne Diseases
In this webinar Dr. Luis Chaves will present results from his research on Malaria, Leishmaniasis and other vector-borne diseases that have illustrated the importance of climate change to understand emerging ecological and epidemiological patterns on the transmission of vector-borne diseases.
Leveraging Motivational Interviewing to Foster Positive Behavioral Change in Injury Prevention with Teens
Motivational interviewing (MI) is a collaborative communication technique that aims to strengthen a person’s commitment and motivation to change. This webinar will review the basic concepts and skills needed to promote behavior change, especially when there is limited time with individuals. In this webinar, MI skills will be demonstrated through case scenarios related to injury prevention topics relevant to teens such as helmet use and teen driving behaviors. You will see these MI strategies applied to real life scenarios with engagement opportunities to practice applying these skills.
Age-Friendly Public Health Systems in Action
Over the last 10 years, the number of adults in the U.S. aged 65 and over increased by over 34%, and is expected to grow to 98 million, or 24% of the U.S. population by 2060. Healthy aging has not historically been central to the public health agenda but clearly, public health interventions are at least partly responsible for the longevity we are experiencing today. Trust for America’s Health (TFAH) is working to elevate healthy aging as a core public health function through its Age-Friendly Public Health Systems (AFPHS) movement, based on a framework of six tenets that are guiding public health efforts to improve older adult health and well-being. This web training session will introduce participants to AFPHS, including examples from one local and one state health department that have adopted and implemented APHFS principles.
Data Visualization and Storytelling for Public Health Professionals: How to Present Your Data in Meaningful and Impactful Ways
Data visualization and storytelling are powerful tools that can help you make sense of your data, as well as to communicate data insights, guide decision-making and persuade others. This webinar introduces the essential principles of data visualization and data storytelling. Participants will learn to transform data into compelling narratives and persuasive arguments, tailor visualizations for a specific audience, and avoid the most common data visualization and storytelling mistakes.