R-IV PHTC Trainings Earn Quality Seal

by | Feb 23, 2022 | News

Seven self-paced learning modules produced by the Region IV Public Health Training Center have been accepted as part of the Public Health Learning Navigator. These courses were nominated for inclusion and then assessed by a panel of three peer reviewers using the National Network of Public Health Institutes’ Quality Standards for Training Design and Delivery.

The seven courses that successfully completed this rigorous process and are displayed in our training catalog with the seal (shown below) are:

An Overview of Public Health Reaching Across Sectors

Leading Change in Informatics and Data Analysis

An Introduction to Community Assessment and Data Collection

Community Assessment: Conducting Surveys

Community Assessment: Conducting Windshield and Walking Surveys

Community Assessment: Focus Groups

Advancing Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) in the Workplace through Mentorship

The Learning Navigator Seal is granted to organizations whose trainings have been screened, reviewed, and approved through the Public Health Learning Navigator’s peer Quality Review Process.