Working Together for the Future: Tapping into Federal Programs and Services in Your Community
Year: 2017 | Competency/Strategic Skill: Resource Management and Financial Planning | Priority Topic: N/A | Setting: Online | Format: On-Demand | Sponsor: Emory University/Central Office
This is a recording of a live, 90-minute webinar.
This recorded webinar highlights federal programs and services, with emphasis on how health departments can leverage available resources that may improve health outcomes within communities they serve. Health departments, committed to maintaining and improving the health of the communities they serve, may be unaware of the vast array of federal programs and services that they can tap into to help them achieve their mission. For instance, within the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), the Health Resources and Administration (HRSA) and the Office of Minority Health (OMH) share goals to achieve health equity and provision of essential health services to people who are geographically isolated, economically or medically vulnerable, including people living with HIV/AIDS, pregnant women, mothers, and their families and those in need of high quality primary health care.