Thriving through Change
Year: 2020 | Competency/Strategic Skill: Change Management | Priority Topic: N/A | Setting: Online | Format: On-demand | Sponsor: Emory University/Central Office
This is a 90-minute recording of a live webinar.
Change can be scary. It involves terrible things like the unknown, discomfort, work, and losing control. It can also be an opportunity for discovery, growth, creativity, and letting go. In fact, these things are often two sides of the same coin. So how can we make the most out of a world where so much is constantly in flux? How can we move forward and be productive when we never seem to have enough information or time to make the right decision?
Instructor Shana Merlin will be pulling tools from the world of improvisational theater, where change is happening constantly in front of a live audience. We will take a look at what our internal response is to change and see if we can shift it into something more productive. Like a good improviser, participants will learn how to recover quickly from unexpected events, be curious about the unfamiliar, be flexible in response to new information and start things without knowing exactly how they will end.