Region IV PHTC Public Health and Primary Care Leadership Institute

The Region IV Public Health Training Center, headquartered at Emory University, has partnered with the J.W. Fanning Institute for Leadership Development at the University of Georgia to offer the Region IV Public Health and Primary Care Leadership Institute (PHPC LI). The PHPC LI provides training for emerging leaders who work in state, local, or tribal public health departments/tribal health organizations or in FQHCs/FQHC Look-Alikes in the eight states that comprise HHS Region IV (Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Tennessee).

PHPC Leadership Institute Cohort 5 Group Photo

 2023-2024 PHPC LI Fellows


The application period for the 2024-2025 Public Health and Primary Care Leadership Institute has closed.

Applications for the next cohort will open in spring/summer 2025.


The PHPC LI is an 8-month experience providing 40 contact hours of interaction. The Leadership Institute consists of the following:

  • A virtual orientation session
  • An in-person, multi-day opening retreat
  • 6 virtual sessions that last 2 hours each
  • 2 hours of intersession work between each session

Zoom video conferencing technology is used for the virtual sessions.

VIRTUAL ORIENTATION Introductions, community agreements, and an overview of the tools and topics for PHPC LI. This session is critical for setting the cohort for success!
SESSION 1: IN-PERSON OPENING RETREAT Topics covered include our leadership perspectives, emergencies, adaptive and technical leadership, and peer consulting.
SESSION 2: LEADERSHIP PRINCIPLES AND PRACTICES (VIRTUAL) This session focuses on identifying the principles and practices of effective leaders and how they migh guide leaders in the field of public health.
SESSION 3: CULTURAL COMPETENCE (VIRTUAL) Building trust and credibility in different cultural contexts is critical to the success of leaders at the interpersonal and organizational level. This session focuses on recognizing how culture operates by framing perceptions and shaping choices.
SESSION 4: MANAGING CONFLICT (VIRTUAL) Conflict is a natural and necessary part of life. This session focuses on how effective leaders can develop a nuanced and sophisticated understanding of ways to manage conflict.
SESSION 5: COLLABORATIVE LEADERSHIP (VIRTUAL) Public health leadership relies heavily on building teams and dynamic networks across various stakeholder groups. This session focuses on group decision-making strategies and the continuum of participation in collaborative leadership endeavors.
This session will take the concepts in the Collaborative Leadership session a step further to focus on how leaders in public health work at various levels of collaboration to lead change efforts that include a variety of stakeholder groups.
SESSION 7: REPORT, REFLECT, GRADUATE (VIRTUAL) This virtual graduation session will focus on lessons learned and final reports, as well as the celebration of accomplishments and articulation of next steps.

The goal of the PHPC LI is to advance adaptive and strategic leadership skills to support multi-sector vision setting and leadership necessary to address the social, community-based, and economic determinants of health.

By the end of the Leadership Institute, Fellows will be able to:

  • Identify personal leadership skills
  • Address a leadership challenge through a self-directed adaptive approach
  • Engage in peer consulting with Region IV colleagues
  • Apply leadership competencies in the context of public health and primary care

Who Should Apply

Emerging public health and primary care leaders who:

  • Work in governmental state, local, or tribal public health departments, tribal health organizations, or FQHCs/FQHC Look-Alikes
  • Work in one of the following states: Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, or Tennessee
  • Manage programs, supervise staff, and/or demonstrate leadership potential
  • Work with underserved populations and/or are from under-resourced health departments or FQHCs/FQHC Look-Alikes

Meet the PHPC LI Alumni

Quotes from past participants:



Looking for Additional Leadership Training?

Below is a listing of trainings available from the Public Health Training Center Network on the following topics:

Region IV PHTC Podcast: Leading Public Health

Other leadership-related trainings can be found in our training catalog.

For questions about the Leadership Institute:

Contact Liz Kidwell at