In 2018, Katie Bennett was an MPH candidate at the Western Kentucky University when she served as a Region-IV PHTC Pathways to Practice Scholar with the Syringe Exchange Program (SEP) at Louisville Metro Health and Wellness. Her major undertaking was creating and disseminating health education materials to inform law enforcement officers of the importance of naloxone, a prescription medication used to treat opioid overdoses that must be administered quickly to be effective. With the support of her mentor Matthew LaRocco, the Community Liaison at Louisville Metro Syringe Exchange Program, Katie also facilitated the exchange of safer injection supplies and educated program participants about safer injection and addiction recovery resources.
At the end of her field placement, Katie reflected, “In this experience I have met some of the kindest human beings, who for whatever reason struggle to live day to day. They are traumatized, they are hurting,they are alone, and they are seeking refuge from feelings that they can’t cope with. These people are grateful for our service and hopeful that they no longer will have to reuse dull syringes that leave bruises and track marks. [They are also hopeful] that they no longer have to expose themselves to HIV or Hepatitis C because they are forced to share syringes with their friends because they have no access to fresh syringes.”
Katie plans to use the skills she developed to pursue more opportunities in harm reduction. She graduated in December of 2018 and is currently searching for employment.