Human Trafficking in Alabama: Resources for Healthcare Workers to Identify and Combat Human Trafficking
Year: 2016 | Competency/Strategic Skill: Program Planning | Priority Topic: N/A | Setting: Online | Format: On-Demand | Sponsor: University of Alabama at Birmingham
This is a 90-minute recording of a live broadcast.
Human trafficking is one of the largest criminal industries in the world, second only to drug trafficking. Worldwide, it is a $32 billion industry involving the illegal movement of men, women, and children, for the purpose of forced labor or commercial sexual exploitation. In the United States, human trafficking has been reported in all 50 states and 40% of human trafficking takes place in the Southeast. Interstate I-20 is considered a”superhighway” for human trafficking; Birmingham is considered one of the hot spots. This program will give a brief introduction to the connection between trauma and health, provide a brief definition of human trafficking, examine research, theories, and concepts associated with human trafficking, and discuss the importance of trauma informed care in helping victims of human trafficking. This program will conclude with a look at how the WellHouse is integrating trauma informed care into their program and services.