Homelessness and Health among Veterans
Year: 2022 | Competency/Strategic Skill: N/A | Priority Topic: N/A | Setting: Online | Format: On-Demand | Sponsor: Emory University/Central Office
In Overview:
This is a 90-minute recording of a live webinar from May 24, 2022 from 12 – 1:30 pm ET.
Veterans experience higher rates of both homelessness and suicide compared with their non-Veterans peers. In addition, Veterans experiencing adverse social determinants of health—such as homelessness—are at increased risk of suicide and other poor health outcomes. In this webinar, Dr. Ann Elizabeth Montgomery, Associate Professor at the UAB School of Public Health, will explore the concept of homelessness and housing instability generally and experiences among Veterans specifically. We will discuss how homelessness is defined and enumerated, pathways into homelessness, trajectories of homelessness, and multi-level interventions to prevent and end homelessness. We will also explore the intersection among homelessness (and other adverse social determinants of health), Veterans’ use of tailored services to address these needs, and their experience of particular health conditions and outcomes, including suicide ideation, attempt, and death.
By the end of this webinar you will be able to:
Describe the experience of homelessness among Veterans.
Identify interventions to prevent and end homelessness among Veterans.
Describe the association between the use of tailored services to address adverse social determinants of health and Veterans’ risk of suicide mortality.