Health Communication and Vector Control: Zika Lessons Learned and Priorities
Year: 2017 | Competency/Strategic Skill: Communication | Priority Topic: Other Infectious Diseases | Setting: Online | Format: On-Demand | Sponsor: Emory University/Central Office
This is a 90-minute recording of a live webinar.
Zika presents unique challenges to communicators because of the complexity and unknowns of the virus. The webinar will highlight CDC communication during the response and basic concepts of integrated mosquito management. Information on communication best practices, research activities and findings, the domestic readiness campaign, and available resources will be shared. The biology of the mosquito that transmits Zika virus is different from the mosquito species that transmit arboviruses people are more familiar with, like West Nile virus. However, the basic concepts of integrated mosquito management are the same. These basic concepts and how they are used during an arbovirus outbreak will be presented.