Community Assessment: Conducting Windshield and Walking Surveys
Year: 2020 | Competency/Strategic Skill: Data Analytics and Assessment; Community and Partner Engagement | Priority Topic: N/A | Setting: Online | Format: On-Demand | Sponsor: Emory University/Central Office
This is a self-paced online course expected to take 40 minutes to complete.
This course introduces the components of windshield and walking surveys, explains the data collection and analysis process, and discusses how observational data can be used to inform subsequent phases of the community assessment. It is an introductory-level course designed to build competence in data analytics and assessment as well as community engagement in public health professionals, especially those in the governmental public health workforce. There are no prerequisites.
This course contains four modules: an interactive video, reflection questions, resources and an evaluation. The entire training is expected to take 40 minutes to complete. After finishing all modules, learners will earn a certificate of completion. When the certificate is available, learners will see a Certificate button on their dashboard.
Participants will need a broadband internet connection (Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox are preferred browsers) and computer speakers. For technical support, please contact emoryphtc@emory.edu.